
Study on the Water in Oil Emulsions with Curcumine and β-Carotene as Antioxidants by Conventional Techniques

Romica Cretu

other things, this is intricate because of practical importance of such systems, for example, in food industries. Emulfication is a complicated process. In practical emulsions the droplet size is about micro- or submicro-meter. As it is well known, several processes can perform the emulsions instability: Ostwald ripening (transfer of material from small droplets to larger ones), sedimentation, aggregation, coalescence and partial coalescence. The partial coalescence may be a first step of true coalescence. The acceptance by customer of food emulsions depends on a large number of factors such as colour, appearance, taste, smell and texture. Colour and appearance are usually the first qualities to be perceived and thus may have a stronger impact on product acceptance than other parameters. Usage of the dyes in alimentation it is controlled in each country or continent and the number of dyes allowed it is limited and strictly controlled. Additionally, the public opinion is very sensible when are used additives in generally and dyes in particularly, with an increasing tendency to use naturally dyes.
