
Various Apoptosis Mechanisms and Pathological Inflammation

Jennifer Stewart

The phrase inflammation is used in connection with two of the five cardinal signs: rubor (redness) and calor (heat). Activation of inflammatory signalling pathways and recruitment of inflammatory mediators (such as cytokinins by leukocyte chemotaxis) in tissue by blood in the case of inflammation. Depending on the severity of the ailment and the source of inflammation, inflammation can be acute or chronic. When mice were exposed to HDM (House Dust Mite), which are natural allergens that cause bronchial inflammation and other symptoms depending on the time of exposure, recent research on assessing time course for chronic inflammation showed the anti-inflammatory efficacy of prednisolone and roflumilast when performed on mice [1] Apoptosis, on the other hand, is a programmed cell death mediated by physiologic and pathologic conditions; however, apoptosis is not linked to the inflammatory response, whereas necrosis (localised cell death or tissue degradation with hydrolytic enzymes liberated from dead cells) is linked to the inflammatory response and can be caused by a variety of agents including hypoxia, physical, chemical, and microbial agents. In histologic inspection, morphological traits can be seen using a light microscope. Many diseases are caused by abnormal control of apoptotic programmes, according to recent study [2].
