
Review of Success Factors and Potential Challenges in the Use of Electronic Health Records for Public Health in Asia

Anil Kumar Jha*

Electronic health records are a useful tool for bettering clinical decision-making, health surveillance, and evaluation. They have been implemented in a variety of contexts, including low- and middle-income nations, but little is known about the development and efficacy of comparable information systems in Asia. This study investigates the use of EHR systems for population health in Asia in order to pinpoint their current function within public health, crucial success criteria, and prospective implementation hurdles. A methodical search procedure was used. MeSH key words and Boolean expressions were used to search five databases. Articles with a component of implementation, utilisation, or assessment for health systems or at least beyond direct patient care were chosen for this review based on hospital provider electronic records. Three interacting elements—the content, the process, and the context—were taken into account by a proposed analytic framework. The review contained 32 articles in all. Benefits appear to be substantial, according to the evidence, but overcoming potential obstacles is essential to success. A thorough planning process is required to put in place a reliable and adaptable system. When used for public health, electronic health records can help identify illness trends, seasonality, worldwide trends, and threats to vulnerable populations. The creation and effectiveness of public health efforts in Asia to identify current health needs and reduce future hazards will be facilitated by addressing implementation issues.
