
Promote severe wound healing by PVP-I dry powder spray: case series report

Hui-Mei Yang, Jiun-Ting Yeh*

Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) is well-known for its anti-infection role in a wide range of wound types. Nowadays, appropriate use of PVP-I new formulation can absorb the exudate and reduce infection in severe wounds. The report is to record the clinical application of PVP-I dry powder spay (Betadine) as a leave-on antiseptic on four kinds of wounds. The clinical experience can provide the alternative management in dealing with these wounds in a convenient and efficient way. In the case series report, it includes four cases such as macerated wound, skin abrasion, ischemia wound and ulcer wound with the aid of PVP-I dry powder spray during February 2016 to June 2017. From the cases, continued use of PVP-I dry powder spray can significantly cease the infection and discharge, reduce the size of wound, and facilitate wound healing. Our experience also indicates PVP-I's efficacy on infection prophylaxis. Furthermore, the new formulation of PVP-I dry powder spray provides great convenience for nursing professionals during wound management.
