
Preclinical Stroke Exploration and Translational Disappointment

Karlo Summer

Translation from preclinical research has always been a topic of debate, despite the remarkable progress made in comprehending the cellular, molecular, and pathophysiological aspects of stroke. Even though thousands of experimental compounds have been shown to protect the brain, they have failed in clinical trials, leaving researchers and stakeholders in limbo. However the disappointments portrayed have been horrifying, they likewise allow us an opportunity to pull together on the inadequacies. For better translational worth, and confirmations from preclinical investigations ought to be powerful and solid. The design of a preclinical study has many variables that affect the results. As a result, this review focuses on the aspects that need to be taken into consideration for a well planned preclinical study while adhering to guidelines. These aspects include the study design, commonly used animal models, their limitations, and the concept of metacentric preclinical randomized controlled trials. It also pays special attention to a variety of preventable attritions, such as comorbidities, aged animals, and the time of administration, outcome measures, and physiological variables. In order to produce a neuroprotectant with greater translational value from a well-defined preclinical study, we present an overview of a wide range of practical aspects that could be implemented.
