
Mercury Induces Cytotoxicity Activates Stress Genes in Human Liver Carcinoma Cells

Paul B. Tchounwou

Mercury may be a non-essential component that exhibits a high degree of toxicity to humans and animals. Exposure to mercury has been related to a major variety of adverse health effects including: upset, anaemia, biological process abnormalities, neurobehavioral disorders, excretory organ and liver harm, and cancer in some cases. In many studies, the toxicity of mercury has been attributed to its high affinity to protein-containing sulfhydryl teams. However, very little is thought relating to the molecular mechanisms by that mercury exerts its toxicity, cause, and carcinogenesis. This analysis was thus designed to assess the cellular and molecular responses of human liver malignant neoplastic disease cells following exposure to mercury. Toxicity experiment yielded a LD50 worth of three.5 ± 0.6 µg/mL upon forty eight hours of exposure, indicating that mercury is extremely poisonous. A dose response relationship was recorded with regard to each toxicity and cistron induction. Overall, 9 out of the 13 recombinant cell lines tested showed inductions to statistically vital levels .
