
Efficacy of a single fixed 131I dose of Radioactive iodine for the treatment of hyperthyroidism

Husain Taha Radhi*, Hasan Frookh Jamal*, Aysha Asif Sarwani*, Abdullah Jawad Jamal, Marwa Fiasal Al-Alawi, Abdullah Sanad Alsabea, Buthainah Ali Al-Azman, Zeenab Jaber Alsaleh

A total of 135 patients were treated for hyperthyroidism with 131I 15 mCi radioiodine ablation. The therapeutic target was achieving hypothyroidism. Between January 2014 and December 2018, clinical records were reviewed and the data was collected and reviewed for 135 patients with hyperthyroidism that were referred to the Nuclear Medicine Department at Salmaniya Medical Center, for Radioactive Iodine (RAI) thyroid gland ablation procedure for definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism. About 39.7% of our patients achieved response between 4-6 months out of which 35.7% of the patients showed response in the first 3 months. 21.4% of the patients took between 7-12 months to show response and only 3.2% responded after 12 months. The most significant response was hypothyroidism comprising of 94.4%. It is also worth mentioning that 4.0% of patients achieved euthyroidism and did not require any followup medication. Using a fixed dose of RAI of 15mCi for treating various types of Hyperthyroidism, successful treatment with a single dose of RAI can be achieved in 92.7% of the patients, with first therapy failure rate in 7.3%, with few patients requiring additional doses of RAI.
