
Deep neck space infection, unusual progressing to mediastinitis in a COVID-19 patient: A case report

Akif Islek and Sadullah Simsek

Objective: Deep neck space infections most commonly originated from an oral infection focus and may show rapid progression to mediastinitis with conditions like an immunodeficiency. This report aims to examine the management of deep neck infection in a COVID-19 positive patient.

Case Summary: A 43yr old woman diagnosed as a deep neck space infection with under routine hemodialysis treatment and COVID-19 positive. Laboratory findings, imaging results, treatment protocol and clinical course of the patient were presented. The patient was a complaint of swelling, hyperemia, and pain in the neck with one-day history. Physical examination, ultrasonography and computerized tomography revealed deep neck space infection and superior mediastinitis. The initial laboratory results revealed a leukocytosis of 3.22/μL (83% Neutrophil and 16% lymphocyte) and a C-reactive protein of 68.6?mg/dL and positive Sars-Cov-2 rapid antibody test. A real-time plasma chain reaction confirmed the diagnosis COVID-19.

Conclusions: COVID-19 can adversely affect the morbidity of deep neck infection, like human immunodeficiency virus disease and other immunodeficiency conditions.
