
Comparison of Pain and Functional State and Quality of Life of Total Knee Replacement Patient

Ji-yeon Lee, Jung-Hee Kim, Eun-Jung Jung and Byounghee Lee

Purpose: To provide a basic data for understanding and guideline for management of total knee replacement patients through the comparisons of functional level and quality of life between total knee replacement patient and non-total knee replacement patient.
Methods: For a total of 135 knee arthritis patients evaluated for functional levels and quality of life through the range of motion, angle of genuvalgus, VAS, KSS, KSFS, HSS and WOMAC.
Results: TKR group showed a more significant differences in pain, ROM, angle of contracture, functional level and quality of life than non-TKR group (p<0.05). The Both side arthritis group showed a more significant differences in ROM, functional level and quality of life than uni-side arthritis group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: To increasing of functional level and quality of life after TKR, self-care program including muscle strengthening has to conduct.
