
Barriers to peripheral artery disease interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa-Review article

Edafe Emmanuel A1, Dodiyi-Manuel Sotonye T and Akpa Maclean R

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is on the increase in sub-Sahara Africa with a great impact on the quality of life among these patients. These patients are also at risk of coronary artery disease and ischemia; atherosclerosis being the underlying factor. The peripheral arterial disease tends to present asymptomatically, typical or atypical symptoms and is associated with comorbidities. In sub-Sahara Africa region, PAD intervention challenges ranges from diagnosis and management subjects with Peripheral arterial disease, differences lack of access to the equipment needed, late presentation, inadequate education and training of health care providers to test for the condition, low level of public awareness to advocate for receiving testing, lack of funding for interventional cardiology/radiology procedures. All these issues pose important challenges associated with Peripheral arterial disease interventions in Sub-Sahara Africa. Of note, this region is underdeveloped with most patients sicking health care paying from their pocket. Health care infrastructures are poorly developed in the region. As a consequence, several challenges regarding diagnosis and management issues should be acknowledged, and recommendation/research gaps should be addressed in order to successfully deal with this major health issue.
