
Air Pollution, Pregnancy Smoking exposure and Child Health Risk Estimation using Merseyside Community Child Health and Air Pollution Data

Gibby Koshy

Air pollution is a serious public health issue that can lead to child health problems. The environmental exposures have been well documented in Sefton area with increased concern and interest among communities about air pollution near to the Bootle Dock area. Smoking during pregnancy has detrimental effects for the mother as well as the fetus. It increases the risk of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), obstetric complications and other adverse health effects and is one of the avoidable causes of low birthweight or pre-term birth, with significant associated fetal and infant mortality and morbidity. Rationale: There is need to improve children’s environmental health indicators using existing information and to identify knowledge gaps and risk groups for developing new policies. Linkage and analysis of data from various currently available sources for developing modern methods with practical utility provides a tool for future application of risk profiling.
